Wednesday, June 20, 2012

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Together, listening to the sound of the waves ...
Sunrise view of the people is not only us, approaching half past 4, more people began three and one pair, two pair of walking over, estimated by the visitors, after all, Hainan Island, the locals would never eat saturation had insisted all right to watch the sunrise play, about 5:00 o'clock, the sun finally appeared, a red light launched into our eyes, followed by the red sun slowly stretch out the sunlight at sea level, waves sparkling and beautiful then I could not complain, just blankly staring at the scene is so beautiful ...
On Hainan Island, we play a whole more than one weeks, every day to go swimming, mountain climbing, where I deeply feel that what is called the ends of the earth, and that time I tan a lot, and she naturally fair-skinned, sun was only slightly blackened and fell even more healthy and energetic. home after two days of rest, the scores have also come out, my scores are not high and there is still a difference between the distance, but enough to make parents smile, and she highest points of the city, there are 56 prestigious universities in the evening to invite her to go to school, of course, the tuition fees accommodation is free and there are scholarships and so the temptation, and she had thrown away the opportunity to go to those elite universities even after the study abroad and one to join me in attending the city's prestigious universities, says that it is unwilling to go far from home, so you can always eat my mother doing the dishes, when I did not say anything, although I have on the school is also very good and those universities, but still some distance, I do not know is how to convince their parents agree,oakley black friday deals oakley black friday deals sale snapback hats black friday, I only know that it must be very hard ...
Summer vacation at home, I often go to her house to play with two people look at books, listen to music, or her to see me play computer games, do not go out, efforts at home white back, but I think she was black point good-looking, personal aesthetic, so I did not adhering to since the end of the entrance, the pressure did not, and I heard her piano, although a little rusty, but it is the most beautiful music in my heart, musical instruments, she is very talented and high level of interest had always wanted to apply for the College of Art, dreams and reality is always a little distance ... one day she played Beethoven's Alice, she suddenly asked me to wait until the university also is willing to accompany such her what I was laughing and said to her: as long as you do not think I'm sick, I accompanied her and she then asked me: said: she has a boyfriend, I talk about a girlfriend! Finally start to university life, and her rising, and the couple is no different between us up to that is, hold my hand, and even embrace are not, then my mind she was the little mouse scared to wet his pants girl, and she seen the eyes of more than a layer of complex emotions at the university in her beauty stand out even more, so that all the boys coveted, and high schools, change is not too big, a lot of high, strong and not small, handsome, when she stood by me, to meet the eyes of all men envy jealousy, on the surface, I hate this

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